Windows 11 Flatlines, Raspberry Pi Shortage Explained, and Clean Your Windows PC

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The time is coming when you can repair your own phone, Windows 11 takeup slows, Raspberry Pi shortage explained, and more in our weekly podcast.
Want to fix your own phone? Samsung is giving you the tools to do it. Meanwhile, why are Raspberry Pi computers hard to get hold of, and why is Windows 11 adoption tailing off?
All this and our usual tips and tricks (covering Netflix, Chromecast, and Windows) in this week's Really Useful Podcast, the tech podcast for technophobes. 

In this week's show, we cover the following news:

We also bring you these tips and tricks:
Finally, we close the show with these recommendations:
Christian Cawley and Ben Stegner host the show. Follow them on Twitter (@thegadgetmonkey and @stegnersaurus) for updates and even make suggestions for future topics.
Don't forget to subscribe to the Really Useful Podcast on Apple Podcasts for more tech news and tips for technophobes! 
 Windows 11 Flatlines, Raspberry Pi Shortage Explained, and Clean Your Windows PC
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