Google Drive, Free Phone Apps, Reasons to Switch from Linux to Windows, and Google Opinion Rewards Tricks

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We bring you tips and tricks for securing your Google Drive, making free phone calls, earning money on Google Opinion Rewards, and more!
Is your Google Drive secure? Do you regret switching to Linux from Windows? Need to make a free international phone call? And how much money can you earn with Google Opinion Rewards?

In this week's podcast we give you the answers to all of those questions, helping you to make the best of your tech.

This week's stripped-back show features the following explainers, tips, and tricks:

This week's show is hosted by Christian Cawley and features Ben Stegner and Gavin Phillips. Follow them on Twitter (@thegadgetmonkey, @stegnersaurus and @gavinspavin) for updates and even make suggestions for future topics.
Don't forget to subscribe to the Really Useful Podcast on Apple Podcasts for more tech news and tips for technophobes!
Google Drive, Free Phone Apps, Reasons to Switch from Linux to Windows, and Google Opinion Rewards Tricks
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