Everything You Need to Know About Retro Gaming

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Christian Cawley and Ben Stegner compare recollections of retro gaming, How does the retro resurgence affect gamers from different generations? Is it important to have the original hardware? Is emulation good enough?
You've noticed the retro gaming explosion---but what's it all about? Why are retro consoles being re-released, often in smaller form factors? Retro t-shirts, games, collections for Xbox One and PS4, even the new on-demand retro gaming service Antstream... retro gaming is everywhere.

In this week's special show, Christian Cawley and Ben Stegner compare their own recollections of gaming in the past, looking at how things have changed over the years. How does the retro resurgence affect gamers from different generations? Is it important to have the original hardware? Is emulation good enough? Let's find out!

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We'll be back next week with another show.

Everything You Need to Know About Retro Gaming
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